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The 3D printer assembled by the most number of people at the same time in the world ---- Love HK – 3D Printing World Record Activity held by HKSYCIA CHAN NAM CHONG MEMORIAL COLLEGE

The 3D printer assembled by the most number of people at  the same time in the world ---- Love HK – 3D Printing World Record Activity held  by HKSYCIA CHAN NAM CHONG MEMORIAL  COLLEGE


On December 20, 2014, Love HK – 3D Printing World Record  Activity was held by HKSYCIA CHAN  NAM CHONG MEMORIAL COLLEGE. With a total of 200 students who  assembled 3D printer at the same time, this set the world record granted by the  World Record Association for being the 3D printer assembled by the most number  of people at the same time in the world.







首頁    WORLD RECORDS    The 3D printer assembled by the most number of people at the same time in the world ---- Love HK – 3D Printing World Record Activity held by HKSYCIA CHAN NAM CHONG MEMORIAL COLLEGE