加拿大: Gino Levesque創世界紀錄協會世界紀錄。
加拿大: Gino Levesque創世界紀錄協會世界紀錄。
世界上只用一次的單詞數量最多的小說——《Je ne le repeterai pas》
加拿大魁北克市Gino Levesque先生創作的法語小說《Je ne le repeterai pas》於2007年5月出版,該作品總字數為14817個單詞,每個名詞、動詞、形容詞都只使用一次,創世界紀錄協會世界上只用一次的單詞數量最多的小說世界紀錄。
The novel that has the most words used only once in the world
——《Je ne le repeterai pas》
In May 2007,《Je ne le repeterai pas》, a novel created by Mr. Gino Levesque from Quebec Canada was published. It contains 14817 words in total. Every noun, verb, adverb and adjective is used only once. It sets the world record granted by the world Record Association for being the novel that has the most words used only once in the world.